Clean Run Course Designer

Clean Run Course Designer is the world's most popular software for designing.


If you are a dog trainer or an enthusiast of the world of dogs, Clean Run Course Designer will become an indispensable tool for you.

This Computer Aided Design (CAD) software application is designed to allow you to design and draw dog training sequences and exercises of any complexity quickly and easily.

Clean Run Course Designer offers a pleasant design area, with all the imaginable predefined elements, very appropriate for the task it was created for. All those elements are grouped into categories, according to different types of circuits. Among the most important ones we have dog path, handler/judge path, start/finish line, straight line, person, dog, unusable area, dog walk, cross-over, wave poles, table, pause box, open/pipe tunnel, close/collapsed tunnel, tire/hoop jump, broad/long jump, wall/panel jump and water jump, among a wide variety of additional jumps and other elements. Paths, for instance, are connective elements that allow you to put together other types of elements. Some of these allow you to configure element-specific parameters such as the straight line, which lets you define it as a solid, dashed or dotted line, with or without arrow-heads on its ends, showing or hiding the line's length, in a horizontal or vertical position, etc. You can also color it, and decide if it its properties are editable upon its creation or not. Furthermore, you can also add texts and obstacle labels at any moment.

Besides all those elements, the program provides some additional functionality, like saving and printing your designs; enabling or disabling paths, obstacle labels, text, and borders; setting coordinates for the obstacles and zoom-in and -out capabilities. Moreover, the program can manage several open windows with different designs all at the same time, and even save them all on one click. I would say Clean Run Course Designer is an excellent software tool that allows you to create very accurate dog training circuits in a fast and comfortable way.


  • Easy to use
  • Light
  • Handles and saves several open designs at the same time
  • Very complete set of tools


  • 30-day trial
This program received 2 awards
Matix Corporation
License type:
Erin urquhart 7 months ago

Can I use this app on an apple tablet?

CourseDesigner Author 11 months ago

This site is a scam site. The actual site is